
Red Cross Blood Drive

Help give the gift of life! Did you know that one donation can save three lives?

On March 1st, we celebrate Matthew’s birthday. In celebration of his life and legacy, we hope to help save as many lives as possible!

Please join us on March 1st by RAISING a pint in celebration of his life. On March 1st, please join us by GIVING a pint to save three lives!

If you are unable to attend the blood drive, either due to distance or scheduling, please consider donating blood at a Red Cross location near you, in memory of Matthew.

!!! Appointments are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED !!!

To make an appointment, please call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit: and enter: LCPLMATTHEW to schedule your appointment.

While walk-ins are welcomed, please know that individuals with appointments will given PRIORITY!! Save yourself extra wait time and schedule an appointment.


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