Date Published: Dec 12, 2023
By: Frank Mulligan
Publication: Standard-Times

Fallen Fairhaven Marine honored as part of traveling tribute in New Bedford 

NEW BEDFORD – Ten years to the day that Lance Cpl. Matthew Rodriguez of Fairhaven was killed in action in Afghanistan his life and ultimate sacrifice were celebrated in a special event back home. 

The traveling Remembering Our Fallen tribute to more than 5,300 service men and women lost since 9/11 visited New Bedford at the request of Matthew’s mom. 

The national tribute includes their names and pictures, displayed on 34 towers. 

It was set up in a hangar at New Bedford Airport with the help of Matthew’s family and friends for display Sunday through Tuesday. 

Lisa Rodriguez said her son had “a big heart and a gentle soul he tried to hide.”

The traveling Remembering Our Fallen tribute to more than 5,300 service men and women lost since 9/11 visited New Bedford at the request if Gold Star mom, Lisa Rodriguez. Frank Mulligan/Standard-Times


Matthew was energetic, wise beyond his years. 

He loved baseball and hockey. He loved history. He would do anything to make you laugh. He loved being an uncle. 

He could be insightful, profound, and had a delight in argument that could be infuriating at times. 

But he would smile and you couldn’t stay mad. 


Lisa Rodriguez said her son had “a big heart and a gentle soul he tried to hide.” Frank Mulligan/Standard-Times 

Matthew wanted to join the Marines

Matthew died Dec. 11, 2013 doing what he wanted to do, she said. 

He wanted to join the Marines. He wanted to deploy, to be the “tip of the spear.” He was proud of his dad, a combat veteran of the Vietnam War with a Purple Heart. 

Matthew loved his community and took pride in purpose. 

Rodriguez said she had been wondering how to celebrate his life in this 10th year since his death. 

“Nothing seemed right.” 

Then a few weeks ago she saw an email blasting out where the Remembering Our Fallen tribute would be visiting in the coming months. 

It was coming to Gillette Stadium for the Army-Navy Game Dec. 9. 

Her first thought was, “How do I get in?” 

Then she emailed the Remembering Our Fallen organization, and within an hour she was on the phone with a representative from Nebraska. 

She was told what was needed to bring the tribute here. 

“I said, we can do that.” 


Friends and supporters helped make it happen 

The family’s “fantastic” friends and supporters helped make it happen. 

That effort included the Lance Cpl. Matthew Rodriguez Memorial Foundation working with the city of New Bedford on the logistics. 

She said another Gold Star mom once told her, “It doesn’t get better. It gets different.” 

Rodriguez said, as a mom, you grieve the years denied your child. You also grieve the continuing impact on those who loved him. 

But grieving also reinforces love in remembrance. 

Matthew “will forever be missed and always remembered.” 


Saying a little prayer for Matthew 

Fairhaven Selectman Robert Espindola, who coached Matthew in Little League, said the entire town mourned his loss. 

But he took inspiration in the support it showed for one of its own. 

Losing someone close takes on a new dimension, he said. 

In his case, when he stands for the national anthem or to take the Pledge of Allegiance, he thinks of Matthew and says a little prayer. 

Mayor Jon Mitchell said our nation was founded on principle and to maintain it there must be those who “step up when called.” 

They had all gathered Monday “to express our collective gratitude” to Matthew and the other fallen service men and women for performing that duty, he said. 

Mike Knabbe of the Lance Cpl. Matthew Rodriguez Memorial Foundation, likened his loss and that of other service men and women to a stone being cast in a lake. 

It “ripples throughout.” 


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